Saturday, 4 March 2017

School of English Cooking

School of English Cooking

Today was the last day in Valencia and on the agenda was ‘teambuilding’. I normally associate teambuilding with corporate away days where we end up playing peculiar games which involve a lot of discussion and negotiating with others. 
We all met at 1 pm and were led away down some streets to Esceula de cucina. (Not an esceula ingles) I was intrigued. We entered and were given a glass of Sangria, followed by a talk on how to make paella – a local dish to Valencia, due to the rice grown in the Valencia region along with horchata  - a drink made from tiger nuts typical to Valencia, and a sponge cake made with pumpkin you guessed it - another traditional dish from Valencia. 
After the talk we were told we going to make all these culinary delights. So it was all hands to deck: preparing vegetables, chicken fried, tomatoes and red pepper blended for gazpacho soup. Sponge cake mixed up and put in the oven. Cooking underway, spices paprika and saffron explained and added by our chef. A couple of mixing bowls of water added and brought to the boil and last but not least the rice is added. We were then invited to sit down to eat all we had prepared.  Despite my misgivings on (a) teambuilding (b) my culinary skills, this was a perfect way to relax and finalise a month in Valencia. Thank you UKLC .

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