Monday, 31 October 2016

My First Blog Post

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, My First Blog Post.

We've now reached the end of the training week, and will be on our way to sunny Spain very very soon. It's been an interesting couple of days, and it's bound to become even more so when we finally step foot in Valencia.

I feel everybody bonded really well during our short (but intensive!) week together, and it's kind of sad to think that we'll be parting ways once we get to our respective placements. I always get a lot of energy out of being with a group of people (especially with everyone being so nice!). But I'm sure we'll have a great time with just the Gandia crew as well.

The training has been especially good to refresh some of the concepts we've learnt on the CELTA/Tesol course, and to see Michael's and Emile's take on teaching young learners. They obviously love doing it, and I think they've warmed most of us up to the prospect as well.

This doesn't mean I won't be really nervous the first couple of days, but at least I feel a little bit more prepared. Fact is, no training in the world can compete with actually standing in front of the classroom and just going for it. I'm sure we'll crash and burn a few times, but that's all part of it, right?

That's all for now, hopefully I'll be able to include a few beach pictures next time!


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